The to_string() Functions
In the last few lessons, you've looked at the new C++ 11 functions for converting string values to numbers, such as stoi(), stod() and so on. Along with these functions, C++ 11 also introduced a group of which go the other direction, converting numbers to string. Instead naming the functions itos() or dtos(), (similar to stoi()), these overloaded functions are all named to_string().
Just like the string-to-number conversion functions, the to_string() functions do not appear in C++98. So, as you did with stoi() and friends, you must to write your our own, using the ostringstream class like this:
string to_string(int n)
ostringstream out;
out << n;
return out.str();
You can easily overload your version of to_string() to work with other types.
string to_string(double n) { . . .}
string to_string(long n) { . . .}
string to_string(unsigned n) { . . . }
The body of each function will have the identical code to the int version. Wrap all of these up inside an #if __cplusplus <= 199711L preprocessor directive, and you should be able to use the to_string() function in both C++ 17 and in C++ 98.
Function Templates
I hope the code on the preceding page bothers you as much as it bothers me. It doesn't take much to notice that the body of each function is identical. Why can't we define one version of the function that takes any kind of argument?
Surprise! We can!
C++ functions with generic types are called function templates. (In Java these are called generic functions, but template is used more often in C++).You define a function template with the same syntax as a regular function, preceded by the template keyword and a series of template parameters inside angle-brackets <>.
template <typename T>
std::string to_string(const T& n)
std::ostringstream out;
out << n;
return out.str();
The template parameters are separated by commas, and use generic template type names: names preceded by either the class or typename keyword followed by an identifier. Both keywords are synonyms in template declarations
When using separate compilation:
- Function templates ar placed inside the header file, unlike normal functions, which are placed inside the implementation file.
- You must fully qualify all library types, such as string and ostringstream in the example shown here, since you are not allowed to add using namespace std; to a header file.
Template Instantiation
Instantiating a template means using the template to create a function using specific types for its template parameters. There are two ways to do this, implicitly and explicitly. The functions generated by a pararticular instantiation are called template functions (which is, unfortunately, easily confused with function template).
Let's look at another example:
template <typename T>
void print(const T& val)
cout << val;
When you call the function, the compiler will implicitly deduce the types of arguments you pass and then generate and call a version of the function with those parameters.
string s = "hello";
print(23); // generates print(const int&)
print(str); // generates print(const string&)
The first call implicitly instantiates (and calls) a print(int) function, while the second generates and calls a print(string) template function.
Template Argument Deduction
The process used to determine the type of each function parameter from the arguments used in the function call is called template argument deduction.
None of the automatic arithmetic conversions that happen with normal functions take place, except:
- You may call a template having a const parameter with a non-const argument. Calling print(str) in the preceding section is an example of this.
- If the function parameter is a pointer, you may pass an array. For instance, this template will be used if you call it with an array as the first argument:
template <typename T>
T sum_array(const T* a, size_t len)
T result{};
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
result += a[i];
return result;
Multiple Template Arguments
Suppose you have a template function like this:
template <typename T>
T addem(const T& a, const T& b)
return a + b;
You can call the function in any of these ways:
string a{"hello"}, b{" world"};
cout << addem(3, 5) << endl;
cout << addem(4.5, 2.5) << endl;
cout << addem(a, b) << endl;
But, you cannot call the function like this:
cout << addem(3.5, 2) << endl;
The compiler does not know what type to substitute for T in the template. You could, however, write the template with two template parameters, like this:
template <typename T, typename U>
T addem(const T& a, const U& b)
return a + b;
Now the call addem(3.5, 2) uses double for type T, int for type U, and the function returns a double, (5.5) as you'd expect. However, what about that call addem(2, 3.5);? Now the function returns an int, (5) which is not what you'd expect. You can fix this in two ways.
Explicit Template Arguments
Suppose you wish to pass 3.5 to the print(int) version of the template. You may explicitly instantiate the function by specifying the type of template parameter inside angle brackets, when calling the function, like this:
Even though you pass a double as the function argument, the function is instantiated with the generic parameter T replaced by type int. So, this call truncates the fractional part of the argument before it prints the number, rather than generating an overloaded print(double) function.
To fix your addem() problem, you can just add an extra template parameter for the return type:
template <typename RET, typename T, typename U>
RET addem(const T& a, const U& b)
return a + b;
Call the function by providing an explicit template argument:
addem<double>(2, 3.5);
. Here, the
template parameter RET is replaced with double. That's a
little awkward, but is the only way to handle this problem prior to C++11.
Inferred Return Types
Rather than having the caller explicitly instantiate the template and supply a return type, C++ 11 allows a template to infer the return type like this:
template <typename T, typename U>
auto addem(const T& a, const U& b)->decltype(a + b)
return a + b;
Using auto as the formal template return type, and moving the deduced return type so it follows the argument list allows the compiler to replace the return type with the declared type of the expression a+b. (That's what the decltype keyword calculates at compile time.
In C++14 this was further simplified. We can now write the addem template like this. We don't need the trailing return type or decltype.
template <typename T, typename U>
auto addem(const T& a, const U& b)
return a + b;
That doesn't mean, however, that you can write a template where only the return type differs. For instance, the following template will not compile because it can't determine whether to use int or double for the return type when called like mybad(3, 4.5):
template <typename T, typename U>
auto mybad(const T& a, const U& b)
if (a > 0) return a;
return b;
Templates & Overloading
Suppose you wanted to print pointers differently than non-pointers, you can add an overloaded template function like this:
template <typename T>
void print(const T* p)
cout << "Pointer: " << p << " ";
if (p) cout << *p; else cout << "nullptr";
Now, what if you want floating-point numbers and Booleans to print differently than other kinds of values? You can add a pair of explicit, non-template, overloaded functions, like this:
void print(double val, int dec=2)
cout << fixed << setprecsion(dec) << val;
void print(bool val)
cout << boolalpha << val;
Now print(2.5) will print 2.50, while print(2.5, 4) will print 2.5000. Printing a Boolean expression will print true or false, not 0 or 1 like the original template.
When you overload template functions:
- Any call to a template function, where the template argument deduction succeeds, is a viable member of the overload candidate set.
- If there is a non-template function in the viable set, then it is preferred.
The most specialized template function in the viable set is preferred over the other template functions.