Computer systems consist of hardware and software, working together to carry out the information processing cycle. I (input), P (processing), and O (output). In this section we'll to look at the objects (variables) that store information (values), and how you can create, modify and display them.
A variable is a named area in memory that stores a value. If you want a quick physical analogy, think of a box with a label on it. Here are the five things which you can do with a variable:
- Declare: associates a name with a type. (What kind of variable is it?)
- Define: allocate or reserve space for the variable. (Create the variable.)
- Initialize: provide a starting value when the variable is created.
- Assign: copy a new value into an existing variable.
- Input: read a value and use that to initialize or assign to a variable.
Sometimes, a variable will be created in one part of your program, (or even outside of your program, by the operating system), and you want to use that variable in your code. To do so, you need to declare the variable. A declaration associates a variable name with a particular type, but does not create the variable.
extern string ASSIGNMENT;
Here is a declaration for a global variable which you can use in your homework, but which is defined elsewhere.
A definition statement allocates memory for a variable's value. You will normally combine both declaration and defintion into a defining declaration like this:
int counter; // counter is declared an defined
char letters[10]; // letters is an array of 10 chars
string verb; // verb is declared and defined
Star rigel; // Star is a user-defined type
Each name is associated with a particular kind of data (ints type), and the compiler allocates space in memory to hold a value for each one. A variable may be defined exactly once in a program, but may be declared any number of times.
In your homework, you must define the STUDENT varible, the ASSIGNMENT is only declared, not defined. This means it must be defined elsewhere (in this case, in the procompiled library file libh01.a.)
Data Types
Variables in C++ are strongly typed. Strong typing means that each variable has a particular data type which does not change as the program runs. If you think of a variable as a box, you can think of a variable's data type as the kind of data which it can store. As an analogy, think of your local convenience store, where different product containers are specialized for a particular kind of beverage or snack.
In some languages, (such as Python), it is possible for the same variable to store a number at one point, and a string at another.
C++ is also statically typed. Static typing means that variable types are explicitly specified in your source code, unlike Python or JavaScript where they are not.
We categorize the C++ types as.
- Built-in value types are part of the language; also called fundamental, primitive types. In the previous section, counter is a built-in, primitive type
(or compound) types
are part of the language, but are built upon one of the other types; this includes
pointers, arrays and
references. The array
in example at the top of this page is a derived or compound type. - Library types, such as string and vector, are class types supplied as part of the Standard C++ library; they are not part of the C++ language. In the example from the previous section, verb is a string, one of the library types.
- User-defined types are designed and implemented by programmers. These are enumerated types, classes and structures. The variable rigel in the example is a variable of a user-defined type named Star.
Names used for variables, functions, types, constants, classes, and so on are called identifiers. Here are the language syntax rules for identifiers:
- A name must consist of letters, digits or the underscore.
- A name must start with a letter or a single underscore, not a number.
- Names are case-sensitive. The name ABC is not the same as the name abc.
- A name cannotbe one of the reserved keywords. While you can use names of library types (such as string or vector or cout) as identifiers, doing so is just asking for trouble; you should treat them the same as the built-in keywords.
- Only identifiers in the standard library may start with two underscores or an underscore followed by a capital (__bob and _Bob are illegal in user code). (The compiler can't enforce this rule, since it can't know if you are implementing part of the standard library.)
Here are the naming conventions we'll use in CS 150.
- Begin variables and functions with a lowercase letter: limit or run().
- If a name consists of several words, you may use either of these:
- Capitalize the first letter of each word. This is known as camelCase and is widely used in Java.
- Use lowercase and underscore separators (get_line). This is known as snake_case is is common in C and Python.
- Classes and other user-defined data types should begin with an uppercase letter, as in Alien or Point3D.
Values which appear literally in a calculation are called magic numbers. Your code will be much more reliable and much easier to maintain, if you replace all magic numbers with named constants, similar to this:
const double kLocalTaxRate = .00175;
While you may write named constants entirely in uppercase, (PI or HALF_DOLLAR), in C++ all-caps usually indicates the presence of a preprocessor MACRO, which is discouraged. Instead, you may want to follow the Google style guide and start with a k (such as kPi).
A variable is a named "chunk" of memory which contains a value, while a value is a set of bits, interpreted according to its type. Initialization provides a value when a variable is created.
Here are three ways to initialize a variable:
int a42; // uniform initialization
int b(35.5); // direct initialization
int c = 4; // legacy initialization
- Starting with C++11, uniform, universal or list initialization is the preferred way to initialize most variables. This form of initialization is value-preserving, like initialization in Java and C#. Attempts to use an initializer that would lose information (called a narrowing conversion), are rejected.
- Direct initialization uses parentheses, not braces, surrounding the initializer. Direct initialization permits narrowing conversions, where the initializer is implicitly truncated if it is too large. In the example above, the initializer 35.5 is truncated to the int value 35. Direct initialization allows you to supply multiple initializers which is appropriate for many class types.
- Legacy) initialization is inherited from C. Like direct initialization, both widening and narrowing conversions are allowed.
What happens when variables are not initialized? In Java, C# and Python, they can't be used. (This is called the definite assignment rule. In C++, they may be used, according to these rules.
- Primitive local variables, which are not initialized, are undefined. Using such a variable is undefined behavior but it is not a syntax error, as in Java/C#. (Primitive variables are the built-in types like int, double, char and bool.)
- Library variables (such as string) are automatically initialized by implicitly calling their constructors (unlike Java).
- Global primitive variables are automatically initialized to 0.
The assignment operator copies the value on its right, and stores the copy inside the already existing variable on its left. Here are some examples:
int sides = 7; // initialization (not assignment)
. . .
sides = 10; // non-range-checked assignment
sides = {3.5}; // range-checked assignment (error)
- Line 1 is initialization; it may appear outsideof a function.
- Lines 3 and 4 are assignment; they copy a value into an existing variable.
- All assignment statements must appear inside a function.
- List-assignment, with the value enclosed in braces, allows the compiler to perform additional range or type checking. Line 4 produces a compiler error because 3.5 cannot be converted to an int without loss of information.
Lvalues and Rvalues
An lvalue is an object that has an address. Such objects can appear on the left-hand-side of an assignment operation. (The "el" stands for "left".) An rvalue is any value which may appear on the right-hand-side of an assignment.
- A variable may be used as either an lvalue or an rvalue.
- Literals (such as the number 10, or the string literal "hello"), as well as temporaries (such as the value produced by an expression, such as (3 + 4)) may only be rvalues.
- Constants and arrays are called non-modifiable lvalues since their names appear on the left side of the assignment operator when they are defined, but cannot be modified later.
C++ uses an object-oriented library named <iostream> for input and output. The C++ standard library contains several predefined stream objects. Here are two:
- cout: standard output; similar to System.out in Java or stdout in Python.
- cin: standard input; similar to a Scanner object in Java or stdin in Python.
To use these objects, include these headers:
#include <iostream> // standard stream objects
#include <iomanip> // "manipulators" for output formatting
The manipulators in <iomanip> control the formatting of real numbers.
Streams can be thought of as data flowing sequentially from a source that produces it, and flowing to a destination, where it is displayed or saved. You insert a value into the stream and it eventually reaches its destination.
The insertion (or output) operator is the symbol pair (<<) pointing to an output stream object. On the right of the operator are the values to insert into the stream.
cout << "I am now " << 73 << " years old!" << endl;
- The words "I am now" are called a string literal, text enclosed in double quotes.
- Numbers are not enclosed in quotes; cout has the ability to convert binary values into their textual form.
- To end output line, you can use the newline escape character (\n) or the endl (end-el) stream manipulator object as is done here.
An output statement may insert several values into the stream, but each must have its own insertion operator.
If you need to print special characters (like a double quote, or a backslash), then use the same sort of escape sequences that you employed in Java or Python:
cout << "\"Hooray\", the crowd cheered!" << endl;
The cin (see-in) standard input stream can read and convert user input, and store it into different kinds of variables. This is called formatted input, and it uses the extraction operator (>>) to read (extract) data from input, convert it and store the results in a variable.
Here's an example:
cout << "Enter limit: "; // prompt
int limit; // variable to hold the value
cin >> limit; // read, convert and store
When a user types 123 in response when prompted for limit, the input is three ASCII character values '1', '2', '3'. These are stored sequentially in memory, and then, when the user types ENTER, the three char values are combined and converted from text into to the int 123, which looks like this in memory:
This process—turning human-readable text into binary numbers, (and it's the reverse), is the job of parsing or conversion. The cin object does this for us.
Input Errors
If the user types an unexpected input value in Java or C# or Python, the system prints an error message on the console, and terminates the program.
This is a runtime error or exception, detected when your program runs, rather than when you compile it. C++ uses a different technique.
Instead of causing a runtime error and stopping, the input stream is placed in an invalid state, and stops receiving input. In C++ when the comma is encountered, your program doesn't crash. You'll learn how to handle these kinds of errors soon.